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Main Features
Features & Benifits of DIVITAL Soil Substrate & Technology

DIVITAL Technology
  • Eco-sustainable & vallue-adding treatment of organic waste
  • Handling of any kind of animal dung, slaughter & other organic waste  
  • Wastewater and waste free & Enhancement veterinary bio security
  • Very less up to free of smell emissions;  free of fly's & insect's attacs

DIVITAL Soil Substrate
  • Nutrients are biological bound and not water-leachabe
          No Groundwater pollution & nutrients are saved 
  • Nutrients are fully bio-available as from first year of application 
  • DIVITAL must be applied only one time per vegetation period
        If applied more than recommended, nutrients keep plant-available
  • All nutrients are provided accordingly like the plant needs
       Slowly release & demand-driven (!!) nutrient supply   

  • DIVITAL improves physical, chemical & biological soil properties
    • Physical: Improves soil structure, water- & air capacity, capilarity
    • Chemical: Improves buffer capacity, bioavailibility of nutrients & minerals, support degradation toxic substances (e.g. antibiotics)
    • Biological: Stimulate/enhance growth of Micorrhiza  and balance of healthy biological soil eco-system; making bio-available nutrients fixed in soil; Stimulate N-binding microorganism  
       DIVITAL improve plant's immun system / reduce risk of diseases
       DIVITAL improve plant's quality and valuable components 
     Decreasing Costs & Contribution for
     more Holistically Sustainability 
       Better Yield's Quality & Quantity
       Better Income     
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