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Main Features
   Unique Features DIVITAL Soil Substrate

  • DIVITAL production is wastewater- / waste- and emissions-free
  • DIVITAL as an organic premium soil substrate has unique properties to improve the physical, chemical and biological soil conditions, to provide healthy soil biotopes and balances between soil and plant‘s root system, to improve significantly the soil fertility as well as to support the detoxification of contaminated soils (e.g. residuals of pesticides, antibiotics, heavy metals)
  • Soil improvement caused by DIVITAL, effectuates also a plant-customized nutrition based on natural occurring nutrients available in DIVITAL substrate     = slowly-release nutrition referred to the plant‘s need; including makes bioavailable nutrients fixed in available soil and stimulating enhancement of plant‘s immune system & Improvement of plant‘s quality
  • DIVITAL's nutrients are very less water-leachable =   Groundwater protection
  • DIVITAL as premium soil substrate is predestinated for production of premium Bio-Agri-Products

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