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DIVITAL Application Red Dragon Fruit
Bim Son / Thanh Hoa Province / SR Vietnam 2017

Results of DIVITAL fertilized Dragon Fruit Plant:
  • More intensive green and healthy shoots
       flowers stronger & more intensive in color
  • Less attacked by ants
  • Fruits are very compact and touch-proof
  • All fruits are nearly uniform size
  • 5 fruit cycles per years instead of usually only 4
  • 25 % more yield
  • Taste more sweet and flavorful

Application: 3 kg DIVITAL Soil Substrate per Dragon plant and years (applied dierectly in near-suface root system

DIVITAL Application has been in comparison with
  • Mineral NPK Fertilizer
  • DIVITAL added with mineral NPK
  • Compost added with mineral NPK

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